Team Project

UX/UI Design, UX Research

High-fidelity prototype
User Research
User Testing
As part of a project team, I collaborated closely with DPO Consultancy, a leading company in data protection and privacy, to address a crucial challenge they faced. They were struggling to attract qualified candidates due to the lack of a dedicated careers website. Recognizing the significance of a strong online presence for recruitment, our team embarked on a mission to design an engaging, convenient, and accessible careers website for DPO Consultancy.
My role
My responsibilities included conducting user research to understand the target audience's needs and preferences, collaborating closely with stakeholders such as the HR department and Employer Branding Specialists to gather requirements, and translating those insights into intuitive design solutions.
The absence of a dedicated careers page and vacancies on DPO Consultancy's corporate website posed challenges for potential candidates. Job seekers could only find information about job openings on the main website, making it difficult to navigate and apply for positions. This disrupted the candidate flow, resulting in missed opportunities for attracting qualified individuals.
Users faced several obstacles in their interaction with DPO Consultancy's online presence. They struggled to find comprehensive information about the company, its values, and culture, limiting their understanding of what it would be like to work at DPO Consultancy and inhibiting their ability to connect with the organization. Additionally, the absence of a convenient and easy way of getting in touch with the company further hindered their ability to engage and communicate effectively.
The absence of a careers website had significant implications for DPO Consultancy as well. Potential candidates, frustrated by the lack of clarity and ease in finding job opportunities, often discontinued their search, resulting in missed talent acquisition opportunities. Furthermore, the absence of a platform to tell their own story hindered the company's ability to distinguish itself from competitors and showcase its employer brand effectively.
The primary goal was to create a comprehensive careers website that addressed these problems. The aim was to design a user-friendly platform that provided clear information about DPO Consultancy, its values, culture, and people. Additionally, the website needed to streamline the job search and application process, enabling candidates to easily find and apply for positions. Furthermore, a major focus was to establish a convenient and accessible way for candidates to get in touch with the company, fostering effective communication and engagement. By achieving these objectives, the goal was to enhance the candidate experience, attract top talent, and strengthen DPO Consultancy's employer brand.
To address the challenges faced by DPO Consultancy and its potential candidates, a range of solutions were developed through research and analysis. Interviews with key stakeholders, including personnel and prospective candidates, provided valuable insights into their pain points and expectations. Competitor analyses helped identify industry best practices and benchmark against other companies' careers websites. These research findings served as the foundation for ideation sessions, where creative solutions were generated to improve the candidate experience and enhance DPO Consultancy's employer brand.

The competitor analyses conducted offer valuable insights that can guide the design of DPO Consultancy's careers website. 
Competitor Analysis summary.
Key positive takeaways from the analysis include the significance of having a dedicated careers website, as observed from competitors who allocated specific pages for showcasing job opportunities. Additionally, the presence of engaging visual content, such as images, videos, and employee stories, enhances the appeal and allows for a better understanding of the company culture. Implementing streamlined online application forms with a clear process overview and providing convenient contact information were also identified as effective practices.
The research for the DPO Consultancy careers website project, conducted through stakeholder and candidate interviews, highlighted crucial factors for design solutions. Alongside the emphasis on freedom and autonomy in the work environment, candidates stressed the importance of easy navigation, a streamlined application process, and convenient ways to get in touch with the company. Additionally, they expressed the need for clear job vacancy overviews, comprehensive organization information, including culture and stories, to enhance their understanding of DPO Consultancy.
Moscow method
Through a comprehensive analysis of competitors' career pages and insightful interviews, I distilled the findings into key insights that were then applied to the MOSCOW method. This method allowed for the prioritization of essential features and requirements based on their importance and impact.
MoSCoW Canvas
During the ideation phase, creative brainstorming sessions were conducted to generate innovative solutions and ideas for the DPO Consultancy careers website. Drawing inspiration from research findings, competitor analyses, and user interviews, this phase fostered the exploration of diverse concepts to address the identified challenges and meet the needs of potential candidates.

After applying the MOSCOW method and prioritizing the results, we categorized requirements into three distinct categories: Culture & Stories, Vacancies, and Conveniece. Following this categorization, our team engaged in brainstorming sessions to explore and generate ideas, both diverging and converging, for each category. 
This iterative process of brainstorming, converging, and diverging helped us shape a comprehensive and well-rounded set of ideas that aligned with the identified priorities and addressed the needs of DPO Consultancy and its potential candidates.
Brainstorm results
The chosen ideas from the ideation phase are now ready to be implemented in the design of the DPO Consultancy careers website. These selected ideas have been carefully evaluated and aligned with the priorities identified through research, competitor analysis, and user interviews. With a focus on creating an engaging, convenient, and accessible platform

To ensure a cohesive and intuitive user journey, considerable thought was given to the structure and flow of the website. A flowchart was created to visualize the overall navigation and interaction paths within the website. This flowchart served as a blueprint for mapping out the different sections, pages, and their connections. By strategically arranging and connecting the various elements, such as job listings, company information, employee stories, and contact options, we aimed to create a seamless and logical flow that guides users through their job search and application process.
After finalizing the structure, features, and flow, we translated our design solutions and chosen features from the ideation phase into wireframes. These wireframes provide a visual representation of the website's layout and functionality, showcasing the implementation of our innovative ideas. Key design solutions and features that were incorporated include a dedicated careers page with a clear overview of job vacancies, engaging visual content to showcase the company culture, streamlined application processes with user-friendly forms, and convenient contact options for candidates to get in touch.​​​​​​​
After designing the wireframes, we conducted internal testing to gather valuable feedback and insights. Based on the test results, several adjustments were made to enhance the user experience. These included optimizing the placement of sections, such as prioritizing vacancies higher on the homepage, and fine-tuning the details of the vacancy page to accommodate the ATS system. Additionally, we revised the "Get in Touch" options to offer both physical and online appointments, providing a more personalized experience by inviting candidates to come over for a "Coffee." These adjustments aim to improve usability, streamline the application process, and create a more engaging and convenient experience for potential candidates. With these refinements in place, we are now ready to proceed to the development of high-fidelity prototypes.
Final Designs
After designing the wireframes, we conducted internal testing to gather valuable feedback and insights. Based on the test results, several adjustments were made to enhance the user experience. These included optimizing the placement of sections, such as prioritizing vacancies higher on the homepage, and fine-tuning the details of the vacancy page to accommodate the ATS system. Additionally, we revised the "Get in Touch" options to offer both physical and online appointments, providing a more personalized experience by inviting candidates to come over for a "Coffee." These adjustments aim to improve usability, streamline the application process, and create a more engaging and convenient experience for potential candidates. With these refinements in place, we are now ready to proceed to the development of high-fidelity prototypes.

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